Glass bridges

List of glass bridges:
1. Glass Bridge Qingyuan Gulong Canyon (Gulongxia Scenic Area) 古龙峡玻璃大峡谷
Gulong Xiaboli Grand Canyon

2. Located in Lantian Village, Huadu District, the glass bottom bridge is built over the Dayan Lake in Zhihui Farm, across the entire wetland lake. Address: 志惠农场 广州市花都区

3. 天门悬廊 Huangtengxia tourist attraction
Address: 清远市清城区石板村黄腾峡景区
Entrance fee: 135 rmb

4. 清远金子山玻璃桥
Address: 清远市连山林场巾子村委会金子山
Entrance fee: 90 rmb

5. 东莞隐贤山庄玻璃桥
Address: 东莞市常平镇隐贤山庄大道8号
Entrance fee: 169 rmb

6. 东莞观音山玻璃栈道
Address: 东莞市樟木头镇笔架山大道观音山国家森林公园
Entrance fee: 39 rmb

7. 东莞龙凤山庄玻鹊桥
Address: 东莞市凤岗镇官井头嘉辉路龙凤山庄渡假村
Entrance fee: 118 rmb

8. 韶关云门山玻璃桥
Address: 韶关市乳源县云门山风景区内
Entrance fee: 140 rmb

9. 梅州平远五指石玻璃栈道
Address: 梅州市平远县差干镇
Entrance fee: 155 rmb

10. 河源桂山玻璃吊桥
Address: 河源市桂山风景区
Entrance fee: 75 rmb

11. 河源龙川霍山玻璃栈道
Address: 河源市龙川县田心镇东江村
Entrance fee: 40 rmb

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